Thursday, 11 December 2014

You don't need to be an Incredible to be incredible

Short post ahead! In my experience of teaching as a preservice teacher only months ago, my mentor told me explicitly about an important skill to have when you are a teacher.

"You must be flexible."

Yes, I can totally do the splits (NOT). You don't need to bend yourself into the shape of a pretzel like Elastigirl (The Incredibles). 

What I mean is you must be open to changing your plans when things change suddenly. Sudden changes happen more often than not I have found (especially in a cat. 2 school). If you aren't flexible in your teaching it's not going to work in the best interest of not only your students but also your sanity. It's already happened so much in my short time as a relief teacher!

An example of things changing for me recently was my class next year going from a split level year ½ class to a straight year 1 class. Yes, it was only 3 days after finding out about my job offer in a ½ class that I found this out it was now a straight 1 class so no biggy, right? If you’re not flexible for the small stuff (practice makes perfect) then you won’t be able to stretch yourself to be flexible for when the big changes happen. P.s I did already have a folder with lots of teaching ideas marked “Year ½” that I had to change to "Year 1" (I know SO much effort). Also, I like to be organized (thank you Pinterest, you God). 

I already feel as though this valuable lesson in teacher flexibility has not only  helped me through my final year prac but also in preparation for real world teaching next year. I want to thank my amazing PER 4 mentor (I will call her AJ) for this helpful piece of advice. I am bucket loads of lucky to be working with her only down the hall from me next year.

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                                                                  Kirsten :)

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